
Improving the conservation of the priority plants in the cross-border area

Acronym Conse-pp
Website Improving the conservation of the priority plants in the cross-border area – Not implemented
Priority Axis Protection of Environment – Transportation
Specific Objective Sustainable management of protected areas, ecosystems, and biodiversity
Call 1st Call for Project Proposals
Start Date May 14, 2018
Lead Partner Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources, Hellenic Agricultural Organization
Budget 1,189,618.29 €
The project is co-funded by the European Union and by National Funds of the Countries participating in the Interreg IPA CBC Programme “Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014 – 2020″  

The central idea of the project is the improvement of the conservation status of the prioritized plants in the cross-border area, using:

  • Research activities for prioritization and conservation of endangered flora species.
  • Development of conservation structures involving digital applications and infrastructures.
  • Awareness and education actions emphasizing biodiversity and its importance.

Expected Outputs:

  1. Setting of targeted flora species in the cross-border area.
  2. In situ collection of species via joint botanical expeditions in both countries.
  3. Documentation of collected plants.
  4. Establishment of propagation protocols.
  5. Monitoring plant growth in protected nurseries.
  6. Integration with urban green spaces to form pocket parks.


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