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AlgaeRevive: Harnessing Algae Power for Eutrophication Reduction and Blue Growth

(Project Code – BSB00091)

Lead Partner:

“Via Pontica” Foundation, Bulgaria


  • Hellenic Agricultural Organization (ELGO) – Dimitra, Greece
  • “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov” University (UNIAZ), Bulgaria
  • “Tstone Mirtskhulava” Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University, Georgia
  • Odesa State Agrarian University (OSAU), Ukraine
  • Ovidius University of Constanța (OUC), Romania


1,323,809.13 €


30 months (09/2024 – 03/2027)

Project Aim

The aim of the project is to create an innovative and sustainable ecosystem for research, innovation, and industrial applications of algae in the wider Black Sea region. The project aims to explore algae’s potential as a solution to reduce pollution, as well as their use in a variety of industrial applications.

Key Activities

ELGO-Dimitra leads PP5 (WP5) that will establish a greenhouse pilot system demonstrating a sustainable aquaponics model that will exploit the interactions among different species—fish, microalgae, and plants—to improve environmental health and enhance sustainability using renewable energy resources.

The project seeks to demonstrate improvements in crop yield, reduce reliance on synthetic chemicals, and assess the environmental and economic benefits of algae-derived products and biofertilizers. Results will be disseminated through research publications, stakeholder workshops, and collaborations with industry to encourage wider adoption and integration into national agricultural strategies.

Scientific Responsible

On behalf of ELGO-Dimitra: Dr. Georgios Ntinas

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